In the captivating painting titled "Lilies," the canvas is adorned with the ethereal beauty of water lilies, their pastel hues of green, pink, and orange gently floating on a dark lake. The artist's meticulous brushstrokes depict the interplay of light and shadow, as the serene water reflects the soft glow of the light sky, creating a mesmerizing symphony of colors. Adding to the tranquil scene is a weeping willow in the background, its branches gracefully touching the water, while in the foreground, a blurred pink flower subtly frames the vibrant water lilies beyond.
This artwork invites viewers to a lakeside haven where nature's elements harmonize. The pastel palette and thoughtful composition capture the delicate dance of the weeping willow, the blurred foreground flower, and the enchanting water lilies, offering a visual retreat into the serene beauty of the natural world. Allow "Lilies" to bring a touch of tranquility and poetic elegance to your space, where the subtle nuances of this lakeside scene create a contemplative atmosphere.
35 x 45cm
Julie Tugwell
I was raised to appreciate the arts by attending ballet performances and dancing at PACT in Pretoria as a young child. Many afternoons were spent visiting art galleries with my mom and it was her dream for me to pursue being an artist like my father, the renowned landscape painter Chris Tugwell. It took some time for me to start painting, and only after the passing of my mom in my mid-twenties did I reach for a brush in an attempt to connect with her. I soon realized that I wanted to succeed at art and chose to dedicate my life to being a full time artist.
A chance meeting with accomplished fine artist James Mooney led to my apprenticeship in his studio for the next 16 years where I learned from his mastery of the skills and techniques of hyper-realism. Whilst James trained me in the discipline of fine art realism, it was Jill Mooney, Jame’s wife, who introduced me to the world of colour and liberated my brush to become deeply self expressive. This signature of their combined tutelage is evident in the abstractions, flowers and colourful figures prevalent in my current body of work.
My days are now mostly spent in the studio where I work as a full-time artist on both large expressive canvases of colour and also smaller pieces of hyper realism.